Plastic Surgery for Men. Everything you need to know about Biceps Implants and Muscle Augmentation Procedures.
Fascination with the muscular male dates back to antiquity. Stars of the silver screen such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, and Jason Statham have popularized the muscular and well-built man. Male action figures and Playgirl centerfolds have further demonstrated the obsession with a muscular physique, causing many males to critique themselves and become dissatisfied with their outward appearance. Augmentation of the biceps is one of the muscle groups that lends itself to immediate results with significant improvement in the contour of the male form, with a potential to improve a male’s overall impression of himself.
A cut is made in the armpit region and the fascia overlying the biceps muscle is identified. Next, a cut is made in this fascia to gain access to the biceps muscle. Using blunt dissection, a pocket is created just below the biceps muscle on top of the long bone of the upper arm.
The implant is then placed in this pocket. The muscle lining is sutured with absorbable sutures and subcuticular sutures are used to close the skin. Over time, the implant becomes surrounded by a scar tissue pocket, where it stays for the rest of the person’s life.
In any initial biceps augmentation, patients are instructed on the fact that they can achieve an augmentation of approximately 1 inch in vertical height. Larger augmentations may require a second operation with larger, custom implants. Also, patients are instructed that while biceps and triceps augmentations can be performed, it is safer to separate this into two separate surgeries to avoid the risk of compartment syndrome in the upper extremity.
Based on evaluation at the time of consultation the surgeon can choose the implant that would best suit the patient’s body habitus.
On discharge from the office on the day of surgery, the patients have their arms wrapped in elastic compression sleeves to diminish the amount of swelling and potential for seroma formation. These sleeves are removed on the first day postop and a compression garment is applied that is to be worn at all times for a period of 4 weeks. Patients may remove the sleeves to shower and to wash the sleeves as needed. Patients may begin showering the day after surgery, taking care to dry the elastic tape over their incisions with a hair dryer on a low heat setting. The patient is instructed post-operatively to limit the use of the upper extremities and to avoid exertion or any heavy lifting. Patients may begin to use their arms as tolerated immediately after surgery but are restricted from heavy lifting or vigorous activity for 4-6 weeks post-operatively.

Male Plastic Surgery – Male Biceps Implants – Plastic Surgery for Men – Muscle Implants – Before and After Photos – Los Angeles
In performing surgical bicep augmentation procedures, complications can arise. Expert Cosmetic Surgeons who have over 30 years of experience on the cutting edge of implant procedures can substantially reduce the risk of complications, but it is important for you to be aware of the possibilities so that you take the proper care of your implants after surgery as advised by your doctor. Make sure you ask your doctor about these complications so you are an informed patient.
Potential Complications of Biceps Augmentation Surgery can include:
- Infection
- Seroma
- Hematoma
- Asymmetry
- Implant visibility
- Hypertrophic scarring
- Hyperpigmentation of the scar
- Capsular contracture
- Wound Dehiscence
- Nerve injury (permanent or temporary; motor or sensory)
- Compartment Syndrome
The biceps augmentation operation is a relatively straightforward procedure that affords great results. Prudent dissection of the pocket for the implant is essential for optimal cosmesis and to prevent implant malposition. The vast majority of dissection during the procedure is blunt with natural tissue planes, thus preventing any damage to vital structures in the upper arm. While a submuscular plane has been achieved, it is our current practice to place the implant in a subfascial position, affording excellent cosmetic results.